About & Contacts

Itaca Investimenti d'Arte activities

Itaca Investimenti d’Arte is managed by people who made their mission out of their passion for art and the search for beauty.

Giving Value to Creativity

Itaca Investimenti d’Arte was founded in 2006 to promote contemporary art and artists. Over the years we have gained experience and awareness of the fascinating and vital world of art, in which commitment is always rewarded.

In addition to its cultural and emotional value, Art has always represented an important form of investment: Itaca accompanies the work of art in its enhancement process up to sale by offering guaranteed investments to collectors and enthusiasts.

We turn creativity into Investment.

For more information www.itacagallery.com.

Meet the team

Itaca's Team

Alessandro Schirato
Alessandro Schirato
CEO info@itacagallery.com

Always passionate about art, he is a charismatic person with a transversal approach (in line with the 70’s generation): grown up in the world of furnishing accessories, he is a specialist in surface finishes and has acquired a know-how that led him to collaborate with important designers for the creation of high-end furniture and lightning. Combining his entrepreneurial experience with confidence in the emotions and values that art can transmit, he founded Itaca Investimenti d’Arte in 2006 and made research and enhancement of creativity his mission.

Miriam Schirato
Miriam Schirato
Manager miriam@itacagallery.com

Growing up in the landscape of the Asolo hills and in the context of Itaca’s activities, she has always been attracted to the stories of people and places. After earning a degree in Classical Studies, she graduates in History and Enhancement of cultural Heritage at the Ca’Forscari university in Venice, city in which she has moved and where she is currently attending the master course in Contemporary art. She speaks 4 languages and currently directs Ekphrasis, Itaca’s art blog, a project that supports her aspiration to become a curator with the purpose of enhancing the cultural and artistic heritage that surrounds her.

Salomè Schirato
Salomè Schirato
Manager saloschirato@gmail.com

Twenty-one years old, after attending classical studies at the G.B. Brocchi high school she has undertaken the university course of Economics, Markets and Finance at Ca’Foscari university in Venice. She is a fashion lover and since ever collects books, magazines, photos and she aspires for a future in this field. She is social media manager for Itaca’s art blog, Ekphrasis, which brings her closer to the world of art by making her aware of the importance of enhancing the contemporary artistic reality.

Senieda Myftari
Senieda Myftari
Art Promoter senieda@itacagallery.com

Born in Albania, as a child she dreamed of being able to deal with different cultures and countries. She currently speaks 5 languages and over the years has lived in Athens, Rome, Madrid, Amsterdam, The French Riviera and Barcelona, where, in contact with the local population, she enriches herself by knowing the different customs and traditions. Art has been the mate in all her travels and led her to fall in love with Veneto and its history: so, she decided to put down roots in this region and take up the profession of art promoter for Itaca.

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