The continuous Metamorphosis of Pietro Mancuso
At first glance, it looks like a game. The sense of lightness of this work,S.T. del 2017, come from the use of a lively palette, to represent a subject unconditioned by empirical reality. But deeper meanings can be found through a more attentive and patient analysis. Feminine figures linger with ease thanks to mechanical artifices. The fusion of sinuous, soft, delicate and almost ethereal shapes with ones more decisive, harsh and sharp ones reveals an intimate union between mechanics and nature. The metamorphosis is just pointed to: non yet extrinsic in the shapes, but ideally perceptible. Around the core, the surface of the canvass is covered by intertwining but open lines drawing special planes that extend beyond the pictorial surface, move through the frame but exceeding it, departing from the physical painting to embrace the entire reality outside it: these areas are functional to host those metamorphosis that will take place at a later time, in the most hidden thoughts of the observer.